Screenplays wanted 2018
Screenplays wanted 2018

screenplays wanted 2018

Well, after the COVID 19 quarantine, I came up with a process.

screenplays wanted 2018

No one asked about the books and I was carrying the book around to think about the process, the effort needed to rewrite a book. More for my thoughts then anyone else’s concerns. Which brings me back to 2018 when I was carrying the first edition around the Toronto Film Festival. Who has time to read a book? ( The affluent, avid readers, the curious) I’m not sure, I mean people have other priorities and magazine readership is down worldwide. $26.99 sounds about write, but will the market hold for that.

screenplays wanted 2018

With this non fiction item done, I need to set a price. This screenplay, teleplay, novel or non fiction item may take three months or two years to complete, dependent on your time and the energy you place within your characters.

#Screenplays wanted 2018 full#

You see when you are not a full time 8 hour a day independent writer you have to make choices. Back in 2018 I was still writing Bad News Day Blurred Lines Fatima/Iran which I had to break up into two parts. Which brings me to the process? As a face book friend said trust the process. The Kindle version should be available in 6 months etc. I like the new cover and I ordered a few proofs to ensure it us up to publishing standards and after some press releases etc. The second expanded edition is around 268 8 x 11 pages. So that stuff got dumped and the book was 8 x 11 141 pages. I didn’t want to send out permission requests to quote material from other sources. I didn’t want to get into any cease and desist issues. Well, back in 2010, I deleted a lot of stuff. Back in 2018 I had a choice adapt my screenplays for a novelization or revise the book I wrote ten years ago.

Screenplays wanted 2018